Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Importance of Sports Activities for Obese Youth in Socialization Process
The purpose of this study is to examine the contribution of sport to obese youth duringsocialization, considering the socio-cultural and economic characteristics of obese adolescents. In the study participated 118 obese ...
Rekreatif Etkinlik Olarak Yüzme Egzersizinin Menapoz Sonrası Kadınlarda Beden İmaji Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi
Kadınlar için “menopoz dönemi” mutlak geçirmek zorunda oldukları biyolojik, psikolojik ve sosyal faktörlerin bulunduğu karmaşık bir süreçtir. Kadınların bu süreçte pek çok yönden etkilendikleri bilinmektedir. Menepoz ...
Art of Healing and Healing Saints in the Art of Byzantine Cappadocia
Cappadocia, together with its immediate vicinity has a long-established tradition of healing throughout its history. Yet, the textual and archeological evidences fail to explain what kind of healing traditions existed in ...
Saints Julitta And Cyricus: Were They The Silent Protecters For Women In Childbirth In Byzantine Cappadocia?
The martyrs of Tarsus, saint Julitta and her son Cyricus have been regarded as one of the holy intercessors, particularly for their curative roles during childbirth from the ancients times to late Byzantine period, and ...
Menü Çeşitleri
(TEY Türk Eğitim yayınları, 2022)
Geçmişten bugüne tarih boyunca bir araya gelerek topluluk halinde yemek yemenin, karın doyurma amacının ötesinde insanların etkileşimini güçlendiren bir eylem halini aldığı söylenebilir. Özel gün ve gecelerin vazgeçilmezi ...
Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Öğrencileri İçin Et Bilimi ve İşleme Tekniklerine Giriş
(TEY Türk Eğitim yayınları, 2022)
Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları Öğrencileri için Et Bilimi ve İşleme Tekniklerine Giriş isimli bu kitap Aşçılık ile Gastronomi ve Mutfak Sanatları programları göz önünde bulundurularak yemek hizmeti ve konaklama endüstrisindeki ...
Impact of Technology in Sustainable Tourism Development: Virtual Reality
(IGI-Global, 2022)
Tourism has been one of the engines powering the thriving economies, leveraging the quality of lives and transforming the people's sociocultural status worldwide. There is no doubt that innovative technologies are critical ...
Digital Transformation-Oriented Innovation in Museum Settings via Digital Engagement: Virtual Reality
(IGI Global, 2022)
The digital era has been one of the most popular topics that has drawn a vast amount of attention over the past several decades. Digitalization-oriented innovative approaches to unleash the business potential and improve ...
ICT Pandemic Time Adoption and Immersive Technologies: A Comprehensive Review
(IGI-Global, 2022)
The tourism industry is a driving force for the global economy. Immersive technologies create powerful opportunities for the products and services of the tourism industry. The convergence of tourism products with advanced ...
Applications of different oxygen scavenging systems as an active packaging to improve freshness and shelf life of sliced bread
(Springer, 2021)
The objective of this study was to extend the shelf life of sliced sourdough bread by active packaging using oxygen absorbers
of different capacity in combination with a modified atmosphere. The sourdough bread slices ...