Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antikor Taramasında Hızlı Kaset Test Sonuçlarının Elektrokemilüminesans İmmünassay Yöntemiyle Doğrulanması
Amaç: COVID-19 pandemisi nedeniyle ara verilen yüz yüze eğitimin Ekim 2020'de yeniden başlaması, genç yetişkinlerde SARS-CoV-2 enfeksiyon oranlarının hızlı bir artışta olduğu döneme denk geldiğinden bu çalışmada, sessiz ...
(I. Uluslararası Dr. Safiye Ali Sağlık Bilimlerinde Multidisipliner Çalışmalar Kongresi, 2021)
İnternet erişiminin bulunduğu cihazların yaygın bir şekilde kullanımı, bireylerin teknolojiyi kişisel amaçları için kullanmasına olanak sağlamış, bu yönde davranışların artışında eğilim olmuştur.
COVID - 19 salgınının ...
Cyberloafing Behaviors of Health Professional Students During Distance Education in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period
(Journal of Health Education, 2021)
Background: With the declaration of the new coronavirus (COVID ‐ 19) pandemic, which was detected in the Wuhan region of China and later seen in
many countries of the world, education and training were significantly ...
Determining the Spiritual Care Requirements and Death Anxiety Levels of Patients Diagnosed with COVID-19 in Turkey
(Springer, 2021)
Our study was conducted to determine the spiritual care needs and death anxiety levels of individuals diagnosed with COVID-19. The population consisted of patients
who were diagnosed with COVID-19 in Turkey. The mean total ...
A review of public perceptions about nurses communicated via Twitter in Turkey
(Public Health Nursing, 2021)
Objectives: Social media platforms such as Twitter allow people to openly express theirviews about many topics, including the nursing profession. COVID-19 is currently a fre-quently searched and discussed topics on Twitter. ...
Determining the problems experienced by students in their postgraduate course period in the pandemic process
(Prog Health Sci, 2021)
Introduction: In the pandemic process caused by COVID-19, considering the working conditions of postgraduate nursing students who are in the profession of nursing, it is important to investigate the problems they experience ...
Examination of the Effect of the Pandemic on Physical Activity and Dysmenorrhea
(Turkish Journal of Health and Sport, 2023)
Background: Dysmenorrhoea releated with body mass index -less than 20 kg/cm2, smoking, early menarche,
longer menstrual cycles, irregular menstrual flow and a family history of dysmenorrhea. On the other hand, ...